Franz Mayrhofer

Born in 1954 in the rural Salzkammergut region of Upper Austria. Studied medicine in Vienna. Lives and works in Vienna and Mondsee.

25 years of work in the field of experimental and abstract painting. In addition to striving for a high standard of aesthetic quality in his paintings and objects, the artist’s work focuses on the possibility of communicating content via a visual language that goes beyond the merely representational.

In this context, the crucial point is the question of how intellectual “understanding“ can be brought about, apart from our emotional “liking“ for a painting, beyond a system of semiotics (study of the meaning of signs) equally recognized and respected by artist and observer.

To embody this high-tension interaction of emotional excitement and the intellectual challenge a work of art should provoke, the artist uses signs and pictogramms whose visual language has been reduced to an absolute minimum, yet their simple forms convey highly complex content-related information that can open doors to new worlds for observers hungry for the unknown.

„...the time for the artist’s work and the observer to relate to each other is very short – just one moment. This one moment decides whether a painting has begun a life of its own inside the observer’s mind, has touched him (or her), caught his attention, moved him in some way. No other encounter with art, no matter whether we are dealing with literature, music, theatre, even sculpture and architecture, harbours a moment of perception of such intensity and concentration as that which marks our confrontation with painting. The image is everything – a bit of canvas covered with colour pigments – this is what we see, no more, no less. The title of the painting, the background story are something else, as secondary for perception as the artist behind the work“ .

Single exhibitions

1997 Amtshaus des 6.Bezirkes, Wien
1998 Wassertum, 1110 Wien
1999 Ordinationsgalerie Dr. Danler, Wien
2001 Haus Wittgenstein 1030 Wien
2002 Wasserturm 1100 Wien
2002 Galerie im Heeresspital 1210 Wien
2002 Kunstforum Pharmacia, 1100 Wien
2003 Haus Wittgenstein, 1030 Wien
2003 Ateliervernissage, 1060 Wien
2004 Haus Wittgenstein, 1030 Wien
2005 Schloss Mondsee
2006 Wasserturm 1100 Wien
2008 Haus Wittgenstein, 1030 Wien
2011 Schriftenmuseum Pettenbach O.Ö
2012: Wasserturm 1100 Wien

Corporate exhibitions:

1999 New Century Artists Galery, New York, Soho
2000 Int.Internistenkongress Hofburg, Wien
2000 Galerie im AKH, 1090 Wien
2001 Galerie im AKH, 1090 Wien
2001 Schloß Klessheim, Salzburg Wals
2002 Jahresausstellung des Österr. Ärztekunstvereins, AKH, 1090 Wien
2003 Austria Center Vienna, Congress der European Respiratory Society
2003 Hofburg Wien, EAN
2003 Jahresausstellung des Österr. Ärztekunstvereins, AKH, 1090 Wien
2004 Austria Center Vienna, Congress der European Respiratory Society
2005 Austria Center Vienna, Congress der European Respiratory Society
2005 CA-BV Kundenzentrum Schottengasse, 1010 Wien
2005 New Century Artists Galery, New York, Chelsea
2012 Unteres Belvedere: GOLD, 1013 Wien
2013 Galerie im AKH, 1090 Wien